Thursday, October 3, 2024





by Fr Jim Whalen

1998, Issue 1

Among the multiple ways to prepare for spiritual battle to protect and defend the innocent unborn, the vulnerable disabled, the chronically ill and the victimised elderly, is the practice of praying, praising, petitioning the Holy Spirit to empower us.

 Some specific basic steps are part of this on-going process. In the spiritual battle to protect life, one must strive to be in the state of grace. This means entreating the Holy Sanctifier to purify us from being self-willed, self-centered and self-opinionated. It means beseeching the Holy Comforter to inspire us to find decisive ways to deliver the helpless children from abortion and rescue the targeted victims of euthanasia, giving us an appreciation and understanding of their suffering and humiliation. It means calling on the Sancte Spiritus to enlighten, enkindle and inflame us with His fire of love so we can undertake with courage and strength His battle plans to overcome all obstacles: ( i.e. Planned Parenthood, opposition, pro-abortionists); and contradictions: (false compassion, mercy killing). It means begging the Holy Ghost to give us the wisdom to guide others, to free them from fear of peers so they can stand up for the helpless; to free them from false bonding that keeps them from following Our Lady of Guadalupe in her victory march; free from unjust paralyzing laws that prevents them from defending their pre-born brothers and sisters, united with St. Joseph, our guardian angels and the mighty army of angels led by the Archangels, St. Michael (Defender), St. Gabriel (Messenger) and St. Raphael (Healer).

 Recognizing our present helplessness without the Creator Spiritus, compels us to ask Him to liberate us from superficial spirituality based on relativism and a false set of priorities and values that foster comfort, convenience and pleasure, resulting in an eclipse of reality, and the promotion of a culture of death ( i.e. the innocent and helpless are killed instead of nurtured and cared for: over 106,000 in Canada, in 1997 by abortion). It means appealing to the Paraclete to grant us the fruitfulness to not only defend but to advance the pro-life cause and build a culture of life by promoting justice, peace, true compassion and care, for the poor, the needy and the most endangered and vulnerable humans ( i.e. the child in the womb: abortion: Roe vs. Wade?; the new born infant: infanticide: Baby Doe?; the handicapped daughter: mercy killing: Tracy Latimer?; the chronically ill patient: euthanasia: Dr. N. Morrison?).

 It is  essential to turn to the ‘Life-Giver’ for an effusion of the spirit of truth and love so we can grow in filial and fraternal spirit, in respect for all life from conception to natural death. He is the one who blesses us with Trinitarian Joy; a fire of light, love, unity and peace, enabling us to persevere in choosing life in following Christ.

 He empowers and transforms us into “fire brands of love and life” when we give Him permission to renew our hearts, to regenerate our souls and re-create us into active and creative pro-lifers. ¤

Sunday, September 29, 2024

THE HOLY SPIRIT: “UNCREATED GIFT” by Fr. Jim Whalen 1998, Issue 1


by Fr. Jim Whalen

1998, Issue 1

In this sacred season, we are challenged once again by our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II to save the ‘Domestica Ecclesia’, the miniature church, the Sanctuary of Life ... the Family. Only in this way can we hope to save our present society from self destruction: “The family is the basic cell of society. It is the cradle of life and love, the place in which the individual is born and grows. Therefore a primary concern is reserved for this community, especially in those times when human egoism, the anti-birth campaign, totalitarian politics, situations of poverty, material, cultural and moral misery, threaten to make these very springs dry up. Furthermore, ideologies and various systems, together with forms of uninterest and indifference, dare to take over the role in education proper to the family... the family can and must require from all, beginning with public authority, the respect for those rights which in saving the family will save society itself.” (Christifideles Laici, #40)

The Church, the “Family of Families” is the Mother who defends God’s universal moral directives, who remains loyal to the absolute that the family and its rights are a sacred sanctuary. This role cannot be replaced by governments, that advocate uniformity in place of true unity, that permit and promote a contraceptive mentality and a laissez faire attitude, in which the ambiguous will of the people (false democracy) adopts a culture of death agenda. Many have abandoned unity with the universal, hierarchical and charismatic Church, (the Holy Roman Catholic Church), in various forms of particular, independent, regional and national models, through declared or undeclared opposition. Others seek to use their positions of power in various institutes to promote disobedience and dissent, under the umbrella of creativity, liturgical innovation and by introducing private agendas through manipulation and compromission of educational programs, and mass media. These abuses are easy to discover and discern by observing the constant defiance of the teaching magesterium of the Church, evident in alternative secular hierarchies of values that give no priority to the sanctity of life, the family or the Creator’s laws and precepts. This is very obvious to those who follow Christ and our Holy Father’s teachings. “The restoration of culture depends upon the restoration of Divine Order to human affairs. The survival of a truly human community on this planet depends upon the rediscovery of the principles of Catholic thinking, doctrine, practice and spirituality. This will depend largely upon the re-evangelization of our Catholic people, and that begins with the foundation - the family.” (Michael O’Brien, The Family and the New Totalitarianism (1995, P. 59-60)

 Some of the threats to family life are rampant and becoming worldwide: contraception, abortion, sterilization, euthanasia, assisted suicide and mercy killing. Others result from immoral life styles: pre-marital sex, recreational sex, homosexuality and sex related diseases. We are surrounded by attempts to redefine spouse and family to include multiple partners or same sex unions (i.e. recent court decision in British Columbia).  Following, there’s the destructive consequence of the Aids Virus epidemic  (1.4 million increase worldwide in 1996; 30 million are infected worldwide (14,000 of these Canadians); over 1500 infected in Ottawa alone, 388 deaths). There is also the recognized attempts at indoctrination by governments through education systems to pre-empt the role of parents in protecting and educating their children (overriding the subsidiarity principal), thereby fracturing the family. “In the end the only real chance a child has to grow up safe and whole, to live and grow and learn and find happiness is to be raised in a strong family”. (Barbara Johnson, The UN-Convention on the Rights of the Child-Fracturing the Family, AFWUF Voice, Jan/Feb 1990)

 Our Holy Church has addressed these abuses in various teaching documents: Humane Vitae, Familiaris Consortio, Veritatis Splendor, Evangelium Vitae; etc. Pope  John Paul II denounced some of these evils recently in Bologna, Italy, challenging pro-lifers to persevere. “Millions of human lives have been sacrificed this century in the name of totalitarian ideologies and lies... innocent human beings who are not yet born continue to be suppressed... many people thought that they could made do without God...”. (The Interim, Cathy Brunka: Sept. 28, 1997 What we are witnessing is a loss of the sense of God, man and sin; a devaluation of truth resulting from lack of education in truth and spiritual formation in living the truth. This is the result of the binding of democracy and ethical relativism, which devoid of moral values develops into a form of totalitarianism. “If there is no ultimate truth to guide and direct political activity, then ideas and convictions can easily be manipulated for reasons of power... a democracy without values turns easily into open or thinly disguised totalitarianism. (Centissimus Annus, 1991, No. 46)

 The sanctity of family life must be preserved. This is essential as we prepare for the Jubilee 2000. We are called to imitate the Supreme Holy Family, the Trinity and the Holy Family of Nazareth, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They offer us in their family life an example of  holiness and perfection. We might be tempted at times to give up in following the footsteps of God, but we see before us a human family. Jesus is the source and example of all sanctity. He is the reason for the season. Mary and Joseph are His perfect followers and disciples. Jesus gives us the supreme example. Mary and Joseph point out the possibility of perfectly following Him. He leads us in the straight and narrow way. Mary and Joseph encourage us, weak and human as we are, to walk behind Him. We often excuse ourselves by saying we cannot follow the heroism of the saints. Here in the Holy Family, we have a magnificant model of service and love to God and fellow man, family life centered on prayer and work, simple yet sublime, with absolute fidelity to the ordinary tasks of life, transforming everyday opportunities from the ordinary into extraordinary blessings. This is what can make every day an unprecedented remarkable day — a Christmas Day! “The future of humanity passes by way of the family. It is indispensable and urgent that every person of good will should endeavor to save and foster the values and requirements of the family. Loving the family means being able to appreciate its values and capabilities - fostering them always - identifying the dangers and evils that menace it - creating an environment for its development. The families of today must be called back to their original position. They must follow Christ.” (Approprinquat Iam, 1980, Pope John Paul II, Letter).  ¤

Friday, September 27, 2024

LIFE IS WORTH LIVING The Latimer Family Tragedy by Fr. Jim Whalen 1997, Issue 4


The Latimer Family Tragedy


by Fr. Jim Whalen

1997, Issue 4

     Some news reports would have us believe otherwise. The fact is that the Slippery Slope Agenda is a reality for Canadians with disabilities. In the guise of mercy killing, Tracy Latimer, 12 years old, a disabled daughter with Cerebral Palsy, was killed, poisoned, gassed by her father, Robert Latimer, a Saskatchewan wheat farmer. Tracy warranted the full protection of the law. Being disabled did not make her less a person, did not make her life less worth living. She was unable to defend herself. She did not choose to die. Reporters indicate he killed her because he loved her. He ended her life because he could not bear to see her suffer anymore. He could not see any other option. He had no other alterative. It was an intolerable situation. It seems that fear of present and future pain was a constant emotional burden for Tracy’s parents. Reporters gave the impression that the defense claimed the motive for the alleged crime touched on ‘Mercy Killing’, seen as a form of pity or compassion, stressing the pain and suffering being endured.

 While one can sympathize with anyone suffering, mercy killing, pity and compassion, must be seen for what they are. “Mercy killing is an act of direct euthanasia usually committed for the alleged purpose of ending the suffering of an unproductive or terminally ill person. In reality, healthy people commit ‘Mercy Killings’ in order to relieve themselves of the inconvenience and expense of caring for those who have or will become an emotional or financial burden on them.” (Facts of Life, HLI, Brian Clowes, P.111) As Tracy was unable to defend herself, involuntary euthanasia took place. True pity or compassion should result in a positive act of mercy, a life giving and caring act. When feeling takes precedence and dominates one’s thinking, the reverse happens. Being human means we must live as we think or we will think as we live. A wise person once said that we are called ‘Human Beings’ not ‘Human Doers’ for we reveal our unique value and dignity by our existence and presence. This calls us to care: “True compassion leads to sharing another’s pain, it does not kill the person whose suffering we cannot bear.” (Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, #66)

 The family as well as the community, the whole of society, must respect the human dignity of a handicapped person. This means making available medication, pain control and necessary therapy. It means providing the required support for the family, through palliative care and other social services. Teague Johnson, a young boy of 11 years, with cerebral palsy reflected on Tracy’s case: “All children are valuable and deserve to live full and complete lives. No one should make the decision for another person on whether their life is worth living or not. I have a family and friends that love me. I have so much to give. I have pain but I do not need to be put out of my misery... Life is a precious gift. It belongs to the person to whom it is given. Tracy’s life was hers to make of it what she could. My life is going to be astounding” (Vancouver Sun, Dec. 9, 1994; Teague died May 29, 1995. His life was indeed astounding).

 The culture of death advocates in our society consider accepting any suffering as meaningless. The culture of life advocates teach we are to accept the suffering we cannot change and ask for the courage to bear it. In the light of human and faith values, death should not be hastened because of suffering, but the focus should be on loving care, physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects, palliative care.

 Lack of information or formation can cause us to loose hope. Lack of faith, or not recognizing our need for the grace of God can find us empty, confused and unable to cope. Lack of support from friends and society can cause us to break down. When we prepare and accept living, suffering, and dying on Our Creator’s terms, it is His love and mercy that we experience. When we accept His will, His way, we gain eternal life. There is no burden too great or too heavy to bear. When we are given the grace of the moment and others like Him to share our journey with us.

 In conclusion, I would like to refer to a quote by Mother Teresa: “If a mother can kill a child in her womb [and a father kill his handicapped child], what’s to stop us from killing each other?  ¤

Thursday, September 26, 2024





Fr. Jim Whalen

1997, Issue 4

Give Glory to the Holy Trinity. Pope John Paul II has declared that this is the aim of the great Jubilee 2000: “This mystery is the focus of the three years of immediate preparation from Christ and through Christ, in the Holy Spirit to the Father.” (Tertio Millennio Adveniente, 1994, P.65)

 He called our attention to the fact that we are living in a time of a great crisis of truth evident in a crisis of concepts. “Only if the truth about freedom and the communion of persons in marriage and in the family can regain its splendor. Will the building of the civilization of love truly begin and will it then be possible to speak concretely as the council did about promoting the dignity of marriage and the family.” (Letter to Families, P.43)

 He points out that the Jubilee offers us the opportunity to reflect on various challenges of our time, such as meeting the challenge of secularism, which he identifies as the crisis of civilization: “which in the west is highly developed from the standpoint of technology but is interiorly impoverished by its tendency to forget God or to keep Him at a distance. The crisis of civilization must be countered by the civilization of love, founded on the universal values of peace, solidarity, justice and liberty, which find their full attainment in Christ”. (Tertio Millennio Advenente, 1994, p.63) He asks us to examine ourselves in regard to the widespread loss of the transcendent sense of human life, and confusion in the ethical sphere, even about the fundamental values of respect for life and the family.

 The Holy Father is definitive in highlighting Christ’s living and saving presence in the Church, as the source of divine life, by choosing to center the year 2000 around an International Eucharistic Congress in Rome.  It is in celebrating Mass, as members of the Mystical Body of Christ, the family of families, the Church, that we participate most fully in god’s life, the Holy Trinity. We are called to a renewed appreciation of the Holy Trinity Family’s activities in our life. It was in a human family, the Family of Nazareth, that God chose to enter into human history. It is in the Eucharist that God chose to remain present with His human family. It is in the sacrament we see the activity of the Holy Trinity Family, and live our spiritual life.

Our New Year, 1998, is dedicated to the Holy Spirit, with a renewed appreciation of the eschatological perspective as evident in a basic attitude of hope which “encourages the Christian not to lose sight of the final goal which gives meaning and value to life.” (Tertio Millennio Advenente, 1994, p.58)

 One concrete way we can give glory to the Trinity is to get our priorities, our value system, in line with our Holy Father. He has made it very clear that promoting, protecting and respecting life at all stages, from conception to natural death, is ‘The definitive issue of our time’.  His primary solution is not new but is the most effective means we have:  ‘The Holy Eucharist’. Some parishes have zeroed in on this fact and celebrate a monthly pro-life mass, with fasting and a public rosary as well. Pro-life groups in Ottawa at this time are planning a campaign to encourage this endeavour to end abortion and related evils. We met in 1997 at a gathering sponsored by Priests for Life Canada where the National Director (Fr. Jim) spoke on the power and importance of prayer, fasting and the Holy Eucharist. Among other ideas proposed by participants was the suggestion of a perpetual celebration of pro-life Masses to be accompanied by fasting and a public rosary. (Chuck Fink, St. Mary’s Parish and Deborah La Riccia, Pro-Life Sunday Coordinator, both of Ottawa ) Each day of the month a different parish would celebrate a pro-life Mass which would include fasting and a public rosary. Present at this gathering were representatives of Action Life, Human Life International, Legion of Mary, Pro-Life Sunday Committee, Catholic Woman’s League, Parish pro-life committees and Priests for Life. Archbishop Marcel Gervais was approached about this idea which he approved for the Archdiocese of Ottawa, suggesting a grass roots beginning. It remains to set the wheels in motion through mutual cooperation and planning. Perhaps this idea could be considered by other dioceses or parishes as well, as a preparation for the Jubilee 2000.

 Archbishop Jean Claude Cardinal Turcotte, President of the CCCB, reflects a constant message of our Holy Father, especially applicable to pro-lifers by challenging us, asking us whether our season's greetings “Truly echo the angels’ message to the shepherds the night of the nativity: Be not afraid, behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will come to all the people, to you is born this day a Saviour, Christ the Lord.” (Christmas message, 1997)

 How blessed we are to live at this time to meet the challenge to build a civilization of love and a culture of life. This will indeed “Give Glory to the Holy Trinity.”  ¤

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Sacred Sanctuary- Save the Family and Save Society Fr. Jim Whalen 1997, Issue 4




by Fr. Jim Whalen

1997, Issue 4

In this sacred season, we are challenged once again by our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II to save the ‘Domestica Ecclesia’, the miniature church, the Sanctuary of Life ... the Family. Only in this way can we hope to save our present society from self destruction: “The family is the basic cell of society. It is the cradle of life and love, the place in which the individual is born and grows. Therefore a primary concern is reserved for this community, especially in those times when human egoism, the anti-birth campaign, totalitarian politics, situations of poverty, material, cultural and moral misery, threaten to make these very springs dry up. Furthermore, ideologies and various systems, together with forms of uninterest and indifference, dare to take over the role in education proper to the family... the family can and must require from all, beginning with public authority, the respect for those rights which in saving the family will save society itself.” (Christifideles Laici, #40)

The Church, the “Family of Families” is the Mother who defends God’s universal moral directives, who remains loyal to the absolute that the family and its rights are a sacred sanctuary. This role cannot be replaced by governments, that advocate uniformity in place of true unity, that permit and promote a contraceptive mentality and a laissez faire attitude, in which the ambiguous will of the people (false democracy) adopts a culture of death agenda. Many have abandoned unity with the universal, hierarchical and charismatic Church, (the Holy Roman Catholic Church), in various forms of particular, independent, regional and national models, through declared or undeclared opposition. Others seek to use their positions of power in various institutes to promote disobedience and dissent, under the umbrella of creativity, liturgical innovation and by introducing private agendas through manipulation and compromission of educational programs, and mass media. These abuses are easy to discover and discern by observing the constant defiance of the teaching magesterium of the Church, evident in alternative secular hierarchies of values that give no priority to the sanctity of life, the family or the Creator’s laws and precepts. This is very obvious to those who follow Christ and our Holy Father’s teachings. “The restoration of culture depends upon the restoration of Divine Order to human affairs. The survival of a truly human community on this planet depends upon the rediscovery of the principles of Catholic thinking, doctrine, practice and spirituality. This will depend largely upon the re-evangelization of our Catholic people, and that begins with the foundation - the family.” (Michael O’Brien, The Family and the New Totalitarianism (1995, P. 59-60)

Some of the threats to family life are rampant and becoming worldwide: contraception, abortion, sterilization, euthanasia, assisted suicide and mercy killing. Others result from immoral life styles: pre-marital sex, recreational sex, homosexuality and sex related diseases. We are surrounded by attempts to redefine spouse and family to include multiple partners or same sex unions (i.e. recent court decision in British Columbia). Following, there’s the destructive consequence of the Aids Virus epidemic (1.4 million increase worldwide in 1996; 30 million are infected worldwide (14,000 of these Canadians); over 1500 infected in Ottawa alone, 388 deaths). There is also the recognized attempts at indoctrination by governments through education systems to pre-empt the role of parents in protecting and educating their children (overriding the subsidiarity principal), thereby fracturing the family. “In the end the only real chance a child has to grow up safe and whole, to live and grow and learn and find happiness is to be raised in a strong family”. (Barbara Johnson, The UN-Convention on the Rights of the Child-Fracturing the Family, AFWUF Voice, Jan/Feb 1990)

Our Holy Church has addressed these abuses in various teaching documents: Humane Vitae, Familiaris Consortio, Veritatis Splendor, Evangelium Vitae; etc. Pope John Paul II denounced some of these evils recently in Bologna, Italy, challenging pro-lifers to persevere. “Millions of human lives have been sacrificed this century in the name of totalitarian ideologies and lies... innocent human beings who are not yet born continue to be suppressed... many people thought that they could made do without God...”. (The Interim, Cathy Brunka: Sept. 28, 1997 What we are witnessing is a loss of the sense of God, man and sin; a devaluation of truth resulting from lack of education in truth and spiritual formation in living the truth. This is the result of the binding of democracy and ethical relativism, which devoid of moral values develops into a form of totalitarianism. “If there is no ultimate truth to guide and direct political activity, then ideas and convictions can easily be manipulated for reasons of power... a democracy without values turns easily into open or thinly disguised totalitarianism. (Centissimus Annus, 1991, No. 46) The sanctity of family life must be preserved. This is essential as we prepare for the Jubilee 2000. We are called to imitate the Supreme Holy Family, the Trinity and the Holy Family of Nazareth, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They offer us in their family life an example of holiness and perfection. We might be tempted at times to give up in following the footsteps of God, but we see before us a human family. Jesus is the source and example of all sanctity. He is the reason for the season. Mary and Joseph are His perfect followers and disciples. Jesus gives us the supreme example. Mary and Joseph point out the possibility of perfectly following Him. He leads us in the straight and narrow way. Mary and Joseph encourage us, weak and human as we are, to walk behind Him. We often excuse ourselves by saying we cannot follow the heroism of the saints. Here in the Holy Family, we have a magnificant model of service and love to God and fellow man, family life centered on prayer and work, simple yet sublime, with absolute fidelity to the ordinary tasks of life, transforming everyday opportunities from the ordinary into extraordinary blessings. This is what can make every day an unprecedented remarkable day — a Christmas Day! “The future of humanity passes by way of the family. It is indispensable and urgent that every person of good will should endeavor to save and foster the values and requirements of the family. Loving the family means being able to appreciate its values and capabilities - fostering them always - identifying the dangers and evils that menace it - creating an environment for its development. The families of today must be called back to their original position. They must follow Christ” (Approprinquat Iam, 1980, Pope John Paul II, Letter). ¤

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

HELPING THE HEALTH CARE WORKER by Fr. Jim Whalen 1997, Issue 3



by Fr. Jim Whalen

1997, Issue 3

 Some years ago, Fr. Joseph Gravel, a teacher at Ottawa University School of Nursing related to his students an account which occurred at the Sudbury General Hospital. An operating room nurse, Cecile Rivet, was expected to take part in a 'Dilatation and Curettage procedure' (D & C). When she found out it was an abortion, she refused. The doctor threatened to have her removed permanently from her work if she did not assist him. She reported it immediately to her administrator. The doctor was reprimanded. This nurse displayed the characteristics of an alert and courageous health care worker with strong Christian moral values.

 Today many of our health care workers are facing the same problem, having to make choices between conscience and career, as recently reported in the Catholic Register regarding Bishop Frederick Henry's letter accusing the Thunder Bay Regional Hospital of riding "Roughshod over ethical considerations 'for the sake of administrative convenience'." (July 28, 1997). No one should take part or be forced to assist in abortions. The health care profession is meant to be "An unflinching affirmation of Life"... "Absolute respect for every innocent human life also requires the exercise of conscientious objection in relation to procured abortion and euthanasia". (Evangelium Vitae #89)

 Part of the dilemma revolves around providing adequate health care, while at the same time allowing for personal values and moral beliefs. In 1988, the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) approved the following excerpt from the Canadian Nurses Association Code of Ethics (though this code has been changed since 1988, to the best of our knowledge this section remains unchanged): "A nurse is not ethically obliged to provide requested care when compliance would involve a violation of her or his moral beliefs, when that request falls within recognized forms of health care. However, the client should be referred to a more appropriate health care practitioner. Nurses who have or are likely to encounter such situations are morally obliged to seek to arrange conditions of employment so that the care of clients is not jeopardized."

 The ethical framework for nursing in Ontario is represented in their magazine: "All nurses have their own personal values which must not interfere with client's right to receive care. Clients' values however, are of primary consideration when planning care...When a client's wish conflicts with a nurse's personal values, and the nurse believes that she or he cannot provide care, the nurse needs to arrange for another care giver and withdraw from the situation. If no other care giver can be arranged, the nurse must provide the immediate care required. If no other solution can be found, the nurse may have to leave a particular place of employment in order to adhere to her or his moral values." (College Communique, Feb. 1995, #20)

 Various solutions have been proposed to resolve this situation of participating in duties that conflict with health care workers' personal values or moral codes. In the United States, state legislatures protect health care workers with exemption statutes, that individuals must claim in writing, with no resulting penalties or disciplinary action, with accommodation for moral or religious beliefs. In emergency medical situations the health care worker is required to assist, as the individual's right to life overrides the right to a particular lifestyle. In Canada, the long term solution would be to have conscience clauses enacted at the provincial and federal levels. This approach is supported by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms: (Section 2, Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Religion). Immediate action would entail appealing to the Workers Union, the Provincial Labour Board and the Human Rights Board. At present Campaign Life Coalition is preparing to introduce 'Conscience Legislation' into Canada. Senator S. Haidasz has drafted a bill to amend the Criminal Code to prevent coercion of health care workers or offend personal values or moral standards and religious beliefs.

 Pope John Paul II points out that: "For Hippocratic ethics, as for Christian Morality, the life of each human being is a value which cannot be called into must be defended and watched over. In a word, it must be served. If this imperative applies to everybody, it must apply first and foremost and above all else to health care workers." (The Charter for Health Care Workers: A synthesis of Hippocratic Ethics and a Christian Morality, Vatican City, 1995) The principal aim of the charter is to guarantee ethical faithfulness of health care workers so they can build through their choices and behavior a civilization of love and life, without which society looses its human meaning.

Health care workers are challenged to uphold the right of man to life and to his dignity. In order to carry out their preventive and therapeutic stewarding and promotion of health and the improvement of the lives of people, medical faculties should allot more time to the study of the Church's social teaching through appropriate research and interdisciplinary studies. This would enable students to acquire : "An integrated social vision of the medical profession, making it possible for them to exercise appropriate discernment of the requests for medical intervention, making the right decision and if necessary, being spurred even to the point of conscientious objection" (Faith Offers Integral Vision of Health Care, Pope John Paul II, to Italian Catholic Doctors, Nov. 25, 1995).

Monday, September 23, 2024

SLIDING DOWN THE SLIPPERY SLOPE by Fr. Jim Whalen 1997, Issue 3


by Fr. Jim Whalen 1997, Issue 3

“St. Michael, defend us in this day of battle”. In the book of Daniel, it was foretold that when the world was once again in real trouble, St. Michael the Archangel would come to our rescue. At the present time there seems to be a conspiracy of silence about our companions, the good angels. They are often ignored, neglected or forgotten. Pope John XXIII considered devotion to the angels as essential for Christians. He often spoke of the support given to priests by angels to touch people’s hearts. Pope Pius XII reminded us, “We will have to make a pact with the angels, to form with them one strong family because of the times that are to come.” We need the help of the angels because we are weak creatures and continue to be the target of a continuous attack and ambush of satan, a fallen angel. His tactic is annihilation. There is the annihilation of spiritual life through falsehood. There is the annihilation of physical life through murder, especially evident in the world today. (55 million abortions a year in the world; over 300 a day in Canada.)

We need the prince of light, St. Michael, to help us to overcome the prince of darkness, to defend life: “At that time Michael will rise up, the great prince, who stands for the children of your people.” (DAN 12:1)

We need the warrior angel, St. Michael, to lead us in spiritual battle for life, under the command of Mary, Queen of Angels, against “the powers and sovereignties, the spiritual army of evil.” (EPH 6:12)

We need St. Michael, Guardian Angel of the Church, to help restore the cross and the chalice of blood, the symbols of redemption; truth and life to our Church. He is seen as our intercessor and bearer of the Church’s prayers before the Throne of God: “An angel of the Lord stood near the altar of the temple, having a golden censer in his hand.” (Offertory, Mass of St. Michael). He points to the infinite value and power of the Mass to have, restore and heal life by His presence with thousands of angels.

In tradition, St. Michael is portrayed as the Prince of the Heavenly Host, Guardian Angel of the Church Militant, Conqueror of Lucifer, and Head of God’s Mighty Invisible Army. He is presented as Chief of several orders of ministering angels. He is especially reverenced as an Angel of Mercy, a Healer, in France, Egypt, Turkey and Italy, where he appeared.

Priests for Life choose St. Michael the Archangel as one of our patrons, for he was the first to defend and protect God’s children in the spirit world. There was a great battle in Heaven when Michael and his angels attacked the dragon “... and they were defeated and driven out of Heaven.” (APOC 12:7). The evil one continues to oppose Mary and the Church and “to make war on the rest of her children” (APOC 12:17). We call on St. Michael to extend the same protection for all human children, in all stages of life, the unborn, the infant, youth, adults, the family, the elderly and the handicapped.

In this present age of open and secret revolt against God and His Church, the rights of God are mocked and denied when His children are denied protection in the womb. Our battle must not only be defensive but an aggressive spiritual campaign against every threat to human life. We need St. Michael to intervene for us. Let us call on his name, our victorious cry: “Who is like unto God.” Let us follow Pope John Paul II’s advice, in this real time of trouble, to once again pray the prayer of Pope Leo XIII..... ¤

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou, oh Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the Power of God, cast down into hell satan, and all his evil spirits who wander now throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


  EMPOWERED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT THE LIFE-GIVER (PRO-LIFE PRACTICE) by Fr Jim Whalen 1998, Issue 1 Among the multiple ways to prepare for spir...